A series of events in Australia in the last few days have quite frankly left me reeling in shock and surprise. The first was an incident where an 18-year- old boy was shot dead by police. Technically he’s a man but I call him a boy. A boy who was foolish and very naïve. A […]

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No single catastrophe since the last world war makes very deep an effect on earth events as 9/11. Had the world responded to his 9/11 hit on America with small amounts Osama bin Laden most likely have disappeared, expelled from Afghanistan or even murdered by his Tajik adversaries. Even the Taliban had been recognized to […]

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Technology Cannot Defeat International Terrorism? WTF Some people believe that the United States of America cannot win the war on Terrorism no matter what technological advances we have. These people believe that our Laser defense shield and airborne laser weapons are nothing and will not help us beat the enemy murderers who target innocent civilians. […]

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Terrorism Won’t Stop While Religions Dominate Societies Australians are possibly as free in their country as anyone in the world and yet many continue to tie themselves to religious hokus pokus based on lies, ancient beliefs, and false gods. The New Testament was compiled and scribed by Jerome, the ‘doctor’ of the Catholic Church. Based […]

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The power in the belief of supernatural forces is the driving force of all terrorists who are touched by it. We are all ‘tribal’ in that what is passed on to us from parents and elders remains in our psyche and culture. It takes great strength to overturn it and become impossible when superstition and […]

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The majority section of Indian society, the ‘concerned’ Hindu citizens are demanding that the Indian Muslims must immediately start to speak out and take counteractive steps against the terrorist attacks instigated by fundamentalist and anti-national Muslim groups. They are outright critical about the attitude of common Muslims and Muslim organizations of the country for not […]

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