The North Indian Hindu weddings have been captured time and again in several Bollywood movies. There is a lot of dance, band baaja and overall fun. Here are some of the important events that encapsulate your typical Dilli wedding. Sagai or Engagement Being one of the most important events, the engagement ceremony is celebrated with […]

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Buying Indian Designer Clothing in London and the UK Indian clothes shopping in the United Kingdom (UK) is easier than in a lot of other places outside of India. The reason? Indians have been settling in the UK for many generations and there are deep cultural ties between the countries and the people of the […]

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A traditional Hindu wedding is very elaborate and follows many traditions and rituals, which are very symbolic and crucial to the marriage ceremony. Whether it is a Kannada, Bengali or Gujarati Vivaah, there are several compulsory rituals in for a wedding in the Hindu religion. These rituals hold immense significance and have a deeply rooted […]

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Shhhh Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of Indian Restaurant? Indian food is known for its assortment of traditional spices, rich herbs and sassy sauces. With advancing times and globalization Indian food is becoming famous all over the world. And hence for our global fans, we have come up with this list of Indian restaurants […]

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Indian Government Initiatives to Boost Affordable Housing in India Affordable Housing in India is going through some interesting times. Realty developers are constructing apartments with smaller configurations with an aim of offering low budget houses by reducing average sizes of an apartment and thus bringing down the prices of apartments. They are focusing on consumers […]

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Proposal Done. What Next? The wedding proposition has happened. Or perhaps your matchmaking has now been sorted. Both you as well as your significant other have made a unified commitment to undertake the subsequent major part of life together. What is going to be your following thing to do? Preparing the wedding party naturally. And […]

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Golden Triangle Tour-Experience Indian Mixture of Culture and Architecture Beauty Golden Triangle Tour is a unique blend of architecture, beauty and culture for national as well as international tourists. The tour comprises of three popular destinations namely, Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. Delhi The tour begins from Delhi-the heart and capital of India. Tourists capture the […]

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At present times, online astrology is very common and real astrologers are behind most of the astrology software and websites. The Indian astrology online is within easy reach if you have the computer and internet. Here you will be able to access the forecasting in a comprehensive way and based on the ancient principle of […]

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Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Insurance Sector The Indian insurance sector is in general well equipped for key loss incidents, including pandemics; however, the financial implications will take time to take part in and will be insurer explicit. Insurers are acting in response to the expanding COVID-19 outbreak on numerous fronts-as claims payers, owners, […]

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Indian Fashion Industry Colourful fashion trends of India With the end of the 20th century came the end of all hype which has created a more practical and pragmatic environment and has given a more stable picture of the fashion business. In the 50s, 60s and 70s, the Indian fashion scenario wasn’t exactly colorless. It […]

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