Laundry Freak Are you a laundry freak? I know I am. I hate it when my husband decides to do a load of laundry because his favorite pair of jeans happens to be dirty. I cringe whenever I hear the words: “I threw in a load of laundry earlier.” Myriad scenes play over in my […]
Ideas For Fashion Club Activities Although many schools sponsor organizations for students interested in art, fashion design and merchandising, some students prefer to form informal fashion clubs. Students join these clubs because they are interested in a career in fashion, or simply want to share their love of fashion with others. Fashion clubs attract members […]
The History of the Babydoll A babydoll is a piece of lingerie that is quite popular with the younger generation. It is a short nightgown or negligee that is usually worn to bed. Babybolls are decorated in many different decorations was, including but not limited to lace, faux fur, ruffles, bows and ribbons. Most babydolls […]
Single Girl’s Guide to Makeover Magic Let’s face it, girlfriends. Thanks to cable TV, we’re now addicted to endless episodes of makeover shows where each “Plain Jane,” with her closet-from-hell, learns to choose the right clothes, makeup, and hair style, then right before our eyes, transforms into a real beauty! And, ever notice how looking […]
The 3 D’s Your Business Needs to Flourish There are 3 D’s you need to help your business flourish: doers, donors and door openers. Doers are the individuals you know will spend money with you. Casino’s refer to them as whales. They have plenty of money, love you and will spend money to work with […]
Daily Motivation–Be Kind to Yourself for a Change “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” –George Washington Carver The word kindness […]
Unique Selling Propositions For Fashion Business Any business plan has the three magic letters USP (unique selling proposition). Prior to any new design creation or a series for the season it is essential to brainstorm on the look of the launch collection. This is a quite a process wherein team leaders vouch for various themes […]
Buying Indian Designer Clothing in London and the UK Indian clothes shopping in the United Kingdom (UK) is easier than in a lot of other places outside of India. The reason? Indians have been settling in the UK for many generations and there are deep cultural ties between the countries and the people of the […]
5 Popular Types of Shoe Materials Shoes range from stylish sneakers to rugged work boots and dainty sandals. They are manufactured in a variety of fabrics. Popular choices include leather, denim satin and canvas. Here is an overview of the types of shoe fabric: Leather Leather is one of the most popular choices for shoes […]
Screenwriters & Filmmakers – Pitching the Cold Heart of the Banker Can a creative pitch alone get your script produced? Pitching the script is an art that is much talked about, put into college curriculums and lauded by the Pop Culture. But, there’s a big factor missing from creative pitches. It’s fundamental; but broadly ignored […]