Multi Pronged Attack Of Covid-19 On The Human Body World Health Organisation acronym for Corona virus was Covid-19 because of its dominant presence in year 2019. Its ravages in the world brought more attention to it. Gleaned from the internet, these viruses are tiny parasites made of genetic material wrapped in proteins. An outer membrane […]

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What Makes Carpet Cleaning An Essential Service During COVID-19? Carpet cleaning has become a significant service during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for good reason. An essential service is best defined as a service that the public needs to use, even amid the pandemic. So what makes carpet cleaning such an important service? Simply put, based […]

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Disadvantage of Using Credit Cards To Pay For COVID-19 Medical Bills Insurers are waiving out of pocket costs for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and some are also waiving visit costs associated with testing. It is imperative you check with your insurance and keep abreast of state to federal changes for the exact tests or services that […]

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Post Covid-19 Real Estate Opportunities Where To Look for the Best Money-Making Deals I understand this is a sensitive time and a sensitive topic. There are people all over the world suffering, and I am about to write an article on how us as investors can benefit. I want to start by saying that I […]

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How Cheap Wi-Fi Plans Can Be Beneficial to Work From Home During a Pandemic, COVID-19? With every passing day during this time of the pandemic, people are adapting to the changes happening around them. In the USA, one such change that is affected by deadly coronavirus is working culture. People here, have learned how to […]

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COVID-19 Vaccine Only Hope As Practiced Treatments Fail To Show Results? Even after almost a year of its worldwide invasion the SARS-Cov-2 virus called COVID-19 continues to enjoy an edge over humankind which is not surprising considering the unprecedented crisis brought in by a virus hardly known to anybody, its seemingly selective approach in terms […]

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COVID-19 Pandemic: When No Means More Than A No! The novel Coronavirus pandemic has impacted humans like never before in the history of humankind on earth, because it has affected the vistas of personal choices and personal likes and dislikes of people. Of course, wars including the world wars did and do impact lives, but […]

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Handling Covid-19 Stalls Via Email Do any of these email responses from prospects or customers sound familiar? “Everything is on hold right now.” “Due to the circumstances, we just don’t have the budget right now.” “We’re not making any decisions right now.” “This just isn’t a good time for us-I’m sure you can understand.” What […]

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Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Insurance Sector The Indian insurance sector is in general well equipped for key loss incidents, including pandemics; however, the financial implications will take time to take part in and will be insurer explicit. Insurers are acting in response to the expanding COVID-19 outbreak on numerous fronts-as claims payers, owners, […]

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Dodgy Diet Signs/Best Lockdown Diet Plan For Weight Loss After Covid19 Coronavirus and dodgy diet signs you need to be aware of if looking to lose weight and get back in shape. It wasn’t until lockdown when it was realised the world over just how serious the coronavirus was. When that state of emergency of […]

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