Why It’s Important to Buy Kids Toys With CE Safety Markings
UK toy suppliers are all regulated by the Toy (Safety) Regulations 2011, which means any toys sold should carry the CE safety mark. This safety mark is your guarantee that the item you are purchasing is safe and conforms to requirements laid down for the sale of toys in the UK and European Union.
If products you like don’t display the CE mark, it’s a good idea to look round to find similar ones which do. The last thing you want to do is purchase a toy from an unscrupulous seller that could potentially be dangerous and harmful to your children. Unfortunately the market is saturated with these kinds of kinds and many of them can be found on well know auction sites, more often than not being sold direct from China. Do not trust them! Buy from reputable UK based sellers that can guarantee their goods have been tested and comply to the regulations.
About toy safety and EN71
Lots of standards are applicable to toy safety, and any electrical toys should also comply with electrical safety standards. EN71 toy standards have been applicable throughout the EU since 1990.
These standards cover toys for kids up to the age of 14 and will provide guidance on suitable age ranges for toys and any essential warnings for toys that are unsuitable for children below the age of three. Some aspects of this legislation include toxicity, flammability and safety markings.
Manufacturers of toys that don’t meet these essential criteria could be guilty of criminal offences and fines or prison sentences could be levied, while the toys will be withdrawn from sale throughout the EU.
Some toys are excluded from this legislation and these include:
– Christmas decorations
– Kids fashion jewellery
– Sports toys and equipment
However, even excluded toys still need to meet all requirements of UK consumer safety laws, such as the Consumer Protection Act. Some of these essential test requirements include:
– Flammability
– Electrical components and properties
– Any chemical properties
– Hygiene compliance
What you should do if you think any toy is unsafe
If you have purchased a child’s toy which you think breaches toy safety laws or has caused your child injury, you can get in touch with the Trading Standards office to report your concerns. They will carry out tests on the toy and can arrange for it to be immediately withdrawn from sale, if necessary.
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