Nowadays, if you’re single, you’ve probably got at least one online dating profile out there. Consider some or all of these tips to increase your profile’s attraction.

Love Your Pictures

Ensure your pictures are gorgeous because YOU are gorgeous! Even if you don’t think you’re very photogenic, you don’t want your pictures to sell you short.

Go sign up for a photoshoot in a beautiful location near you. Sites like Living Social and Groupon always have highly discounted sessions by professional local photographers.

If you don’t love the pictures in your profile, don’t be surprised when you’re receiving very few messages or responses.

Head Shot is a Must

Make sure you have at least one or more pictures that show your beautiful face clearly. If you don’t like any pictures you currently have, make it a priority to get some nice ones taken of you.

Updated Pics

Try not to post pictures from more than 2 years ago – especially if you’ve gained or lost weight since then. Both men and women often complain that the person who showed up is not the person they saw in the photos. Bait and switch can cause suitors to feel like any potential relationship is starting off with a lie.

If you don’t like how you look today, find some clothes that compliment you anyway, and have someone take some great pictures of you in them. Then, set an intention to commit to your health from now on.

Purpose and Passion

Make sure you include plenty of pictures of yourself doing things you love and give you joy!

If yoga is something you love, get your friend to take some pictures of you doing yoga in the nearby park.

If teaching horseback riding to children is something that gives you purpose, have their parents take pictures of you doing it the next time you’re out there.

If you love to travel, keep in mind that you’re collecting dating profile pictures of yourself, and have your travel partner (or friendly strangers, if you travel alone) take many pictures of you in front of your beautiful travel backdrops!

Just like you, good potential partners are looking for people who take joy out of life, and who presumably have more going on than just working and commuting back and forth every day.

Avoid Selfies

Surely you can do better than this! Selfies beg the question, “Does this person have no friends to take a picture of him?” Anyway, we can see those tiled walls behind you… and now someone’s picturing you in your bathroom… Is that how you want someone to picture you for the first time?

Be Among Others You Love

If you must include a selfie, let it be a selfie of you and your friends enjoying each others’ company.

Fix Your Syntax

This is overlooked by many. Use an editing feature to ensure all grammar, spelling, and typos are cleaned up. Then read the bio out loud to yourself.

Avoid Negativity

If you’ve recently become cynical about all the weirdos who are messaging you on your profile, don’t make reference to them in your profile. Example: “If you’re a creepy loser, don’t bother messaging me.”

Similarly, mentioning even in passing how you’ve been slighted or hurt in the past is not something that needs to be in your profile bio. Don’t make future suitors pay for the mistakes of those in your past! Great partners will sense that insecurity and be turned off by it.

Keep It Short

If your bio is as long as this article (676 words), then it’s too long.

Make some positive observations about life in your profile, include things you feel passionate about, but leave some mystery for the first date.

A Final Note

Remember that all the people who are looking at your profile are there for one reason — romantic interaction, and your online dating profile is the first impression that will attract them.

You want to make sure it is reflective of who you are, and what kind of a relationship you want.

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What Makes an Online Dating Profile Attractive?

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