Most couples fight every now and then. Some fight every day; others rarely fight. When fights do happen, there are two main topics that always seem to get brought up: sex and money. The reason why couples fight about these topics has to do with compatibility, or rather incompatibility. They just can’t seem to agree on how things should be handled, and they probably approach things differently as well.
In this article, we will discuss sexual compatibility as it pertains to Sagittarius. Before we discuss what is the best match for a Sagittarius, we will talk a little about Sagittarius and what he expects in the bedroom.
Sexual Traits of a Sagittarius
When it comes to sex, predictability is a prison sentence for Sagittarius. He loves spontaneity and adventure. He detests a boring, routine sex life. Sagittarius wants to push the limits and bend the rules. He is more likely than most to engage in risque sexual behaviors such as multiple partners, bondage, sex in public, hired sex, etc. He can be very faithful in a relationship, but can also become bored with a predictable partner. In a relationship, Sagittarius craves adventure in the form of role playing, exhibitionism, voyeurism, toys and more.
What is the Best Sexual Match for a Sagittarius?
Sagittarius expects an adventurous, amorous partner in bed. He does not do well with shy types or with people who only want straight, conventional sex. People who are body conscious or afraid to try new things also annoy Sagittarius. A truly compatible sexual partner is someone who likes to experiment and be creative in the bedroom.
Sagittarius also enjoys someone who can be purely carnal when it comes to sex. He enjoys lovemaking, but rarely sees the point in mushy sentiments. If matched with a partner who wants every encounter to be romantic, sensual and clean, he will likely become bored.
The best sexual match for Sagittarius astrologically speaking is Taurus. Taurus is adventurous and creative in the bedroom which keeps Sagittarius interested. Unfortunately, Taurus can also be possessive, a trait that Sagittarius abhors. Sexually speaking, Taurus is a great match for Sagittarius, but long-term relationships require hard work. Also, the sexual attraction can fade quickly in these relationships.
Gemini has a unique ability to separate sex and love. For this reason, Gemini can be a great playmate for Sagittarius. They are also compatible in other areas as well, but Gemini is not Sagittarius’ best match romantically speaking.
The main issue with Sagittarius sexual compatibility is that sexually compatible signs are not always compatible signs romantically. Sometimes, it seems as if Sagittarius has to choose between a fulfilling sexual relationship and a true partnership of mind, body and spirit. A well-balanced relationship is possible, however, if Sagittarius focuses on the whole picture rather than just on physical satisfaction. Communication is vital. Sagittarius needs to communicate his needs openly to his partner so that there will be no misunderstandings.
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What is the Best Sexual Match For a Sagittarius?