In Indian Vedic Kundali Matching there is a lot of importance to Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha, Kuja Dosham, Manglik Dosha, Manglika Dosha, in these days. People it seems fear so much from this dosha that they just pay attention to only Mangal Dosha and not anything else in the Kundali Matching. So what actually is Mangal Dosha, why so much fear and worry about it? Let me explain how it is formed.
When Mangal is in the Ascendant (first house) or in the fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house, Mangal Dosha is formed. As per Dev Karalam (South Indian treatise on astrology) when Mangal is in the second house then also Mangal Dosha is formed. Mangal in these houses aspects the seventh house of matrimony and the eighth house of longevity and sexual activity in the married life. Mangal, being a natural malefic and a hot planet of anger and temper, its aspect or placements in these houses influences the following.
In the ascendant, it gives a hot temperament and aspects the seventh and the eighth house, which hurts the matrimony. In the second house, Mangal gives temperamental speech and as it aspects the seventh and the eighth houses, it again hurts the matrimonial home, through speech.
In the fourth house, Mangal gives hurt emotions and as it aspects the seventh house, ones influence of hurt emotions and feelings will hamper the marriage.
In the seventh house, the partner will also be hot tempered and as his Mangal aspects the ascendant, the person himself or herself will be temperamental so sparks are deemed to fly everywhere in the married life.
In the eighth house, Mangal destroys the longevity of oneself and with its aspect to the second house, creates hot speech, influencing marital harmony.
In the twelfth house, Mangal will aspect the seventh house and as it is in the twelfth house of bed comforts, one may be highly active in sexual activity and hamper the marriage home due to frivolous sexual demands and activity.
Above are given the true effects of Mangal Dosha/Kuja Dosha.
Unfortunately most of the time, people purely and instantly predict the Mangal Dosha, with just noting the planetary position of Mangal. But many people do not heed to the notes of Parashar about the natural cancellation of Mangal Dosha.
Whenever Mangal becomes the ascendant lord or Yog Karaka, the dosha gets nullified, naturally. Mangal in conjunction with or under the aspect of Guru (Jupiter) as Guru is a wise man, it propitiates Mangal. Moon and Mangal together in a sign (conjunction), will also nullify the Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha. Debilitated Mars (Neecha Mangal) is sign Cancer, nullifies the Dosha. When one crosses the age of 28, Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha gets naturally nullified as by that time one naturally gets more matured about one’s anger and temperament.
Further, even if one has a Mangal/Kuja Dosha, if the prospective bride or groom, has Shani in any of the 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses the Dosha gets nullified, because Shani, is the opposite of Mangal, it is cold and practical and so can handle the temperament of Mangal.
The Shadbala strength should also be checked, because if it is weak in Shadbala, is of Vriddha Avastha or Mrut Avastha or Baal Avastha, Mangal cannot do any harm. After cross checking all these above points and issues, should one responsibly say whether the client has a Mangal or Kuja Dosha or not.
If one finds that definitely there is Mangal/Kuja Dosha in the horoscope, then Mangal Dosha Shanti should be done by a competent Brahmin. In such cases, never try to save some small money by performing the Mangal Dosha Puja or Shanti on one’s own, as in the current life styles, the laid Vedic Principles cannot be followed to propitiate planets.
May Love-Peace and Hope Bless you
Rikhav Khimasia
What is Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha?