Understanding Morgellons Disease In Detail And Possible Treatment
Morgellons disease is an unexplained and controversial skin problem. Unfortunately, this condition is not common and it is hence poorly understood. It is characterized by small particles of fibers that emerge from skin sores. Patients also feel experience a stinging feeling on the skin or feel as though something is crawling on them. There are facts you should know about the Morgellons disease.
Because MD is not understood in detail, some practitioners treat this condition as a delusional infestation. This means that patients receive cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, antipsychotic drugs or even antidepressants. Other doctors will even treat the concern as an infectious skin cells problem.
Some of the signs and symptoms allied with MD include skin sores or rashes that are extremely itchy and a crawling sensation under or on the skin as though an insect is biting, stinging or crawling on you. Patients also feel fatigued, have challenges concentrating, fall into a depressed mood and suffer from short-term memory loss. The most obvious symptom is threads, fibers or a black, stringy material on or in the skin.
MD can interfere immensely with the quality of life of a patient, mainly because of the intense itching and open sores. The results of studies conducted by different groups over decades are conflicting though multiple results have shown a possible link between MD and Borrelia spirochetes. However, the Disease Control and Prevention centers have ruled out any chances of the concern being caused by parasites or infections.
Practitioners refer to MD as an unexplained dermatopathy because the fiber samples from skin wounds are cotton. This concern is more prevalent among middle-aged white women and its signs and symptoms are quite similar to those of mental challenges that involve delusional infestation or rather false beliefs regarding infestation by parasites. Unfortunately, there is no conclusive diagnosis, guidance or treatment of this disease.
There are specially formulated salt baths that may aid in managing and alleviating this health concern. Salt baths, typically referred to as Morgellons bath can help in removing the stuff on the skin. Regular baths with essential oils could also help to accelerate healing of the sores. Fill your tub with warm water and add these products and then soak for at least one hour. This should help to remove the buildup of cysts. You can rinse in the shower afterwards.
The symptoms of MD are distressing and that is why you need compassionate treatment. Begin by establishing a relationship with a proficient and compassionate health care team and work with a practitioner who acknowledges the concern and not only devices a treatment plan, but also does thorough exams. As the patient, your patience is necessary because any ethical doctor must first consider other evidence-based treatments before considering an MD diagnosis.
Keeping an open mind is necessary if you want to find lasting relief. In certain cases, there are solid reasons for a practitioner to recommend mental health therapy. Treating concerns like anxiety and depression can help to understand the skin sores better when your thinking, moods or behavior is not influenced by mental health problems.
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