After more than 20 years of independence, the country of Ukraine has become internationally known for one thing above all others and that is its Ukrainian girls. Ukrainian girls are among the most beautiful in the world. Millions of men from western countries have spent the time, energy, effort, and money it takes to travel here to Ukraine in an effort to attract, date, and marry one of these beautiful Ukrainian girls. I grew up in the United States and feel I relate to American men the best.
I was born in New York, grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, lived Florida, Illinois, and southern California. For more than three and a half years, I have lived in Odessa, Ukraine and worked as an English teacher. I have made a study of human behavior for the last 16 years as well as having had more than 1,500 Ukrainian students, the majority of which have been females. Having conducted a myriad of interviews and made detailed observations, I will attempt to use this knowledge and experience to explain why US men choose to come here to Ukraine to find a life partner.
What are American men are missing in their own country which causes them to look to Ukraine for a life-partner? Observation tells us Ukrainian girls are more beautiful than girls in America. They are also thinner and more open to a large age difference than girls in America. Finally, Ukrainian girls are more home oriented and willing to play a traditional stay-at-home role than many girls in America.
However, from the American female point of view, American females have become much more independent than Ukrainian girls. Over the past 40 years, females from America have grown up believing they do not need a man in order to survive, be happy, or to take care of a child. With the rise in the percentage of women in the workforce in America, as well as the rise in average salaries for females, American girls are able to take care of themselves and a child financially much easier than they were able to 40 years ago. As a result, I do not feel American girls make their life partner decisions based on safety, stability, or finances as much as they did 40 years ago.
Turning to the girls of Ukraine, it appears girls from this part of the world come from a much more traditional home. There is a high rate of divorce here, but there is also an extreme social, cultural, and familial pressure for a girl to get married and start a family at a much younger age than girls from the US. I have seen many mothers push their daughters to marry a foreigner for the simple purpose of ensuring themselves and their future family safety, stability, and financial freedom families from Ukraine have not and cannot experience living in the unstable work and economic environment of Ukraine.
find life partner
Ukrainian Girls