You wish to have a relationship with a girl you like but eventually you got friendzoned. It can be really frustrating when you are interested in a romantic relationship with a girl but eventually she wants you to just be friends. So how to avoid being friendzoned?
Be more mindful in picking your match. Being friendzoned sometimes lies on picking the wrong match. If you keep picking the girl not matched or not right for you, it is more likely that you’ll be stuck on being friendzoned. There are signs and body languages when women are interested in you. You must know how to read those signs to know if she’s into you. It is best to pick a woman who is more interested in you from the start to avoid being friendzoned.
Learn to be more attractive. Sometimes men are friendzoned because they are not attractive enough to the opposite sex. The good thing is that attractiveness is not an inborn trait, you can learn how to be more attractive physically and personality wise. By increasing the level of your attractiveness, you can avoid being friendzoned. If you are too shy and lacks self-confidence, you can learn to be more sociable and confident to increase your level of attractiveness. Social skills can be very attractive to the opposite sex. When it comes to physical appearance, there are physical aspects that you can improve to be more attractive without a major plastic surgery. You can improve your physical appearance by learning to dress well and groom well. Keeping a good posture, staying fit or staying physically active and healthy are attractive physical traits to most women.
Make your intentions clear from the beginning. What most men are afraid of is outright rejection so they sometimes choose the safe path like acting as a friend because it is easier. This approach creates confusion to the other party and uncertainty on your part. Creating confusion from the start by not communicating what you really want may hurt more in the end if you eventually get dumped or friendzoned. It is best to be clear with what you want from the start and face rejection upfront if she’s not interested than use friendship as a cover but in reality you want more than that. You can move on as soon as possible and find someone who is interested in you. Stop wasting your time on someone who is not interested and get hurt in the end. Make your intentions clear and avoid being friendzoned.
Don’t appear too desperate. Sometimes men are friendzoned because they do all the work, give all the favors and act as if they are too desperate to get the girl. There are women who want to keep a man with this behavior as a friend or she wants you to stick around without the responsibility of being your girlfriend. They want the benefits from you but do not want the responsibility of having a relationship with you. To avoid being friendzoned, stop being too nice and doing all the work. It is best to allow the other person to value you and do something for you in return. After all, a relationship will not work if one is always the giver and the other is always the receiver. Both should contribute to satisfy each other’s needs. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve.
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Tips to Avoid Being Friendzoned by a Girl