I met a guy in business who had the good sense to feature my articles at his web site, benefiting both of us.
And, as is the case so often, he had one insight into life as we know it that was spectacular.
Most people do, and if you’re lucky, or just a great conversationalist, you can tease out this unusually original insight.
Before disclosing his, let me recite another one for you that came from a client of mine in the Pacific Northwest. He said, “Gary, life is too short to deal with unpleasant people.”
Anyway, the other guy, the one I intended to quote had a great notion, and here it is.
Calling it his “Single Piece Of Trash Theory,” he said if you let just one piece of litter adorn a seminar table or a conference room table, and you leave for an hour or two, that single piece will multiply. Upon your return, you’ll see two more pieces, and if you leave them there, they’ll multiply, as well.
Before long, you’ll be knee deep in the stuff, and probably, you’ll never see who deposited them.
I’ve tested this thesis with the front of my business, and sure enough, one piece will attract two more, in record time. If I pick it up, the front will stay pristine for a fairly long time.
So, what does this tell us, besides pick up your trash?
There are lots of imitators out there, but relatively few initiators, even when it comes to bad behavior.
It confirms one notion about human nature, right?
singles muslim
The Single Piece Of Trash Theory