The Madness Chronicles – Special Edition

In this Special Edition of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at the madness of the Coronavirus. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, especially severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at the panic taking place in America.

My daughter called from Utah today with news their Governor had declared a state of emergency. He announced no gatherings of over 100 people. She went for a routine trip to Walmart for groceries and found a madhouse. She sent pictures. The shelves are bare! She described a scene right out of the movies. Umm? It appears to be a state of frenzied and chaotic activity.

Another daughter called and described empty shelves where toilet paper stood in a Walmart near us in Montana. There are now reports of toilet paper and hand sanitizer shortages nationwide. Curiously, soap remains in abundance. Our Montana Governor, hearing of the toilet paper shortage, declared a state of emergency in Montana.

In the Governors press statement he acknowledged that no cases of the virus have been found, although forty people have been tested, all negative. But, he said that by ‘officially’ declaring a state of emergency, he could immediately make $16 million available, and it would allow him to call up the Montana National Guard. Being quick even in my old age, I thought, will the guard be able to protect us from the virus?

My Utah daughter called back after getting home and told us that the Mormon church announced they’d be closing all meetings starting Monday, March 16. Again, being quick in my old age, I thought, umm, I guess the virus is unable to get anyone until the 16th. Interesting? But before my wife and I returned home after our daughters call the Mormon church had reconsidered and announced they were canceling all church meetings worldwide until further notice. Maybe I channeled a thought there way, you never know.

The scene described above is being repeated across America. As of a couple days ago, Washington state reported I believe nine deaths from the Coronavirus. But if you dig a little deeper, you find all were elderly and living in nursing homes. And none, as in zero, had actually been medically confirmed to have died of the virus. They were only ‘suspected’ of dying from the virus. Could there be some extremely foolish behavior by the media going on here? You decide.

The NBA announced they were considering the possibility of not allowing fans into games. With that news, the self-appointed King of Everything, Lebron James, let the world know HE would not be playing before empty seats. A couple days later, a member of the Utah Jazz tested positive for the virus, and the NBA suddenly announced they were canceling the entire season. A strong reaction for one player infected.

The NCAA had previously announced that their basketball tourney, March Madness would be played in front of only family members and the media. We all know they can’t be infected. And the tumbleweed of madness gained momentum colleges, high schools, and elementary schools are announced closings. And did you know the Surgeon General announced the flu is more of a threat to young people than the Coronavirus?

Sometimes madness is genius. Remember when Saul Alinsky, he is Karl Marx 4.0, said, “The issue is never the issue.” Think about that for a minute. Then think of former Chicago Mayor and Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel saying, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Think about that for a couple minutes. And then think about this… for quite a while.

Within six weeks of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the Patriot Act was rammed through Congress with only one dissenting vote. The Act was, after all, in response to a crisis. Right? It took away lots of individual rights, expanded surveillance powers, and made Americans less free. Interesting?

What if I told you the Patriot Act provisions were written long before 9-11? Say what? Much of it was actually written during President Reagans’ time in office. However, the proposals were rejected by Congress. More was added under President Bush, Bush the Older. The plans were again denied by Congress. Enter President Clinton and the Oklahoma City bombing. Boom! A crisis.

Immediately following the Oklahoma City bombing came the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA). And that legislation contained many of the proposed laws put forth by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. Crises at hand and Congress passed it with flying colors. See how it works? Expanding government regulation, difficulty passing legislation, introduce a crisis, and you have the solution. Repeat. Isn’t that fascinating and disturbing at the same time? Could it be a mere tactic of the Deep State? You decide.

The towers of the World Trade Center came crashing down, and like Houdini Bush, the Younger has the solution ‘written’ and passed in six weeks. Voila’ The Patriot Act! The Patriot Act completed the legislation of three previous Presidents. Isn’t that clever? Our elected officials might actually have a plan after all?

Why would our current crisis, the Coronavirus, be any different? It may turn out a deadly virus that ravages the world. Or it may be a false flag. You be the judge. But remember, the issue is never the issue and never let a crises go to waste.

May we wake from this madness before it’s too late. I wish you good health and until next time… have fun, enjoy life, and watch out for the madness amongst us.

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