The Lure of The Sari
The sari is the standard garb of the women of the sub-continent. It creates a mystery and exudes sex appeal.
It must be noted that a multitude of religions, clans and tribes form part of the Indian union. But the one dress that is universal is the sari. The sari is a long wrap that is worn around the hips and extends to the ankles. Women of the sub continent will wear a blouse that will add to the luster of the sari.
The sari proper
The sari extends to 5 or 6 yards and comes in vibrant colors and designs. In addition sari’s will be made of a variety of materials ranging from cottons to silk. Some of the sari’s will be embroidered with intricate desins that could make use of gold thread as well. The sari thus can be a costly item as well. Some of the sari’s can set you back by Rs 5 Lakh.
Wearing a sari
There are many methods to tie the sari. Tt is usually draped around the waist with a petticoat as an anchor. It has a number of folds and wearing a sari is an art by itself. The sari can be worn in a way that the midriff is bare and in some cases, it can be tied low so as to add to the allure of the wearer. When worn with a blouse which can be sleeveless or backless the sex appeal of the woman is greatly enhanced. Many western men have told me that seeing a lovely woman in sari is a matter of great fantasy for them, as it creates a mystery of the woman by revealing a little and promising a lot.
Sari and sex appeal
Some of the Indian women will tie the sari in a way that the navel is visible.They will embellish the navel with a jewel as well. They will wear a low cut blouse that may be backless. This dress creates a great degree of sex appeal and is sure to fire the imagination of a man. One only has to look at the present day heart throb, the film actor Deepika Padakune in a sari to realise the potential it generates in terms of sex appeal.
Sari and Types
Some of the tribal women in the east will wear a sari without a blouse. The eastern women will also wear a shorter sari. Maharashtrian women will wear a 9 yards sari which divides the legs, enhancing the sex appeal to a tremendous extant. The sari is a dress that has been in vogue for thousands of years and is distinctive of the sub -continent.