Many guys complain about online dating, being stood up for first meetings, women lying about their age and body style (fatter than admitted). But when I talk to women about online dating (for a future eBook I am writing), the horror stories seem to go on forever. Sure there is the Captain in the Army from Afghanistan scam or the married guy trying to get some trim on the side (typical sleaze ball), but there are also just really rude and mean-spirited guys out there it seems in the online dating scene. Let’s talk about just a couple of stories I’ve collected for my future eBook.
1.) Hmm… Can I tell a story… I met a guy at a local outdoor mall around Anaheim, California. We went to dinner, and we’re having a nice time. After we ordered, he excused himself to use the bathroom. I waited a while. The waiter came back to check up on everything. I asked the waiter to please check on my date since the guy had been gone a bit. The waiter came back and said there was no one in the bathroom. Ugh. Go figure. How could someone be so rude?
So, this guy stiffs the gal with a huge dinner bill, vacates out the backdoor and leaves without saying good bye. Well, maybe that wasn’t too costly, imagine ending up with a boyfriend like that – I’d put this one into my what a F-jerk category, well if I had one, that’s about where that guy would belong – don’t you agree – incidentally she did concur, “that’s where he’d belong alright,” she said.
2.) This happened years ago. I actually got through dinner with my date. We were going to see a movie. He told me he forgot his cell at the restaurant. So he gave me money to buy my ticket, and told me he’d be right in. He never showed up for the movie. And it was a horror movie, which I don’t like.
Yep, and that is a good horror story of a terrible date, another sleaze ball. Who knows maybe the guy was an axe-murderer and she was just too nice to be his next victim so he treated her to his favorite horror movie that inspired it all? I’ve heard of crazier things, people doing whatever they could to ditch their online date, but I ask you, what happened to a little honesty – what happened to communication, common sense and civility – that second story, although better than the first – that’s just wrong.
online dating
Terrible Online Dating Stories – Real Nightmare Dates