If you are bewitched by a certain someone that you can’t have, then you are facing impossible love. This can be a time of struggle and heartache, and it can be completely emotionally painful. You can feel as though you have met that most perfect person, but you can’t have them in your life, for […]

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You have just broken up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you can’t eat, sleep, feel panicky, disoriented, can’t focus at work and feel like you’re going to die. Maybe you feel nauseous, have headaches, feel depressed, can’t function at home or at work, have cravings for the person, have thoughts of suicide, feel shaky, forgetful, or […]

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Life, so they state, starts at 40. You may find that thought limited consolidation as your hair grays or diminishes, your paunch neglects to recoil following half a month of dietary somberness, and you wake up longing. These indications of mileage affirm that you’ve been around long enough to have adapted some stuff, done a […]

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There are too many things in life that have a three strikes policy. You get three strikes in some states before you are handed a life-long prison term. In baseball, you get three strikes and you’re outta there. Isn’t it great that relationships don’t have a three strikes policy? You are not limited to three […]

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In a study published this week, and one which is sure to re-ignite the Facebook-privacy fire, researchers have shown that Facebook users are unwittingly revealing all about themselves through their likes. Funded by Boeing and Microsoft Research, the study shows that Facebook can be used to accurately predict a wide range of personal attributes including: […]

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