The Long-Term Effects of the Corona Virus The long-term effects of the Covidvirus are becoming apparent. Those whom have been shielding are feeling vulnerable and afraid to go out into busy areas, especially now cases are rising again. Those whom have suffered from the virus, even those with mild attacks may have had recurring illnesses […]

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How To Attack This Virus Spiritually At This Time How are you fighting or protecting yourself from this COVID-19 virus that is afflicting people today? Surely, whatever you are using or doing will affect the state of your mind. And though, there are many suggestions available, there is one that is good for your mind […]

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Body And Life, Dismantling And Disruption By Corona Virus! Disruption And Dismantling Of Body & Life! The Wall Street Journal Quote yesterday 05/11/2020: “U.S. corona virus deaths near 80,000 as mysterious new symptoms appear.” This humanity suffers in hugh batches, loses day in day out. Our present efforts to disrupt and destroy the virus has […]

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Pandemic Corona Virus Ravaging Impact On World Population From January 2020! Have you ever seen a sitting duck world population? Eerily we do from January 2020. The world population is in an invisible pandemic Corona Virus attack that killed indiscriminately. Its global reach left only one continent, it is &nbsp Antarctica. There’s a good chance […]

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Swine Flu 2010 Virus Unfortunately, it is unknown if this new strain is more mild or more severe or if people who have already received the swine flu vaccination will continue to be protected. The variations in the swine flu were first noticed in Singapore but quickly spread through Australia and New Zealand. Therefore, manufacturers […]

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Living With Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19 The human world has just gone almost upside down. The recent pandemic has grabbed the everyday life of humans’ by the throat, and this happened all of a sudden. Fear has emerged from the darkness and has proliferated within the entire globe very swiftly, and this has […]

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Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Ebola Virus disease (EVD) is a life threatening and contagious disease which is contracted by human beings as well as primates. It is a hemorrhagic fever; caused by ebolaviruses also known as “filoviruses” (they are from the virus family “filivoridae”). There are five viruses that are included […]

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Something Scary Was Lurking Unbeknownst to Me: The Corona Virus We’d heard of a virus that was stationed over in China. It appeared that the Chinese had gotten it under control, but I wasn’t one hundred per cent certain. My imaginative, sci-fi mind was always tossing up various possibilities. I think my logical side said […]

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Going to the Church of God With This COVID-19 Virus Should you attend church services with the Coronavirus pandemic? Now, Churches can hold services in some places. However, many Christians are yet to resume services in their various churches. But these same persons go to the shops, banks, markets and their offices. Should going to […]

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Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens Corona Virus is a large family of viruses responsible for causing illness in animals and humans. Many people name Corona virus as COVID-19 which is not exactly an abbreviation. As detailed by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is a recent disease caused by the Corona virus and […]

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