Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: The Conundrum Take a look at the Diabetes UK website and you’ll clearly see they claim that sugar consumption does not cause Type 2 Diabetes: specifically look at their “causes and risk factors” page to read: “Eating sweets and sugar does not cause diabetes,but eating a lot of sugary and […]

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Building a Dog House? – The Type of Wood to Use Despite the fact that many families provide their dog with a wooden dog house in their backyard, only a few people realize there happens to be quite a few various kinds of wood offered on the market. Cedar is definitely the most popular kind […]

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Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – What Can Blood Test Results Tell You? As you get older, you will find your doctor routinely sending you to have blood test assessments to check your… blood sugar, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels as part of the “growing older” process. These are tests everyone will […]

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Different Type of Designer Sarees and Styles of Wearing Them The saree has been the symbol of an Indian woman’s attire for centuries and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Indeed, it is difficult for an average Indian to picture their mothers, sisters or wives in anything other than a beautiful saree. […]

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