The Runaway Trump Train The runaway Trump train has not only let Trump trample the American Constitution but has also skidded onto foreign rails. That could not have happened without a groundwork laid by Russia. Trump began his run for the US Presidency as a social renegade. He descended the glitzy escalators of his gaudy […]

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Trump, America and Prayer It is indeed cheering news that President Donald Trump of America declared a National Day of Prayer to fight Coronavirus outbreak. He asked the American citizens to pray wherever they are and to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Listen to him, “We are a country that, throughout our […]

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America to Trump: "You’re Fired!" “You’re fired!” America cried well before Donald Trump became president, when he was a mere candidate running for the job. The cry grew louder as Trump trampled the Constitution, defied the rule of law and broke norms sacred to America during its 250-odd year history. It took a global pandemic […]

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Ten Things to Love About America on Trump Days In 2008, America was the first western industrialized country to elect Barack Obama as a non-white Head of State.. In 2016, ehe pendulum swung backwards in the election of ultra-white media-made business tycoon Donald Trump. As Trump rolls back progress made under Obama toward global cooperation […]

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