Molar Pregnancy – Symptoms and Treatment What are the basic symptoms of molar pregnancy? The main symptom is bleeding and blood spots in the beginning of the pregnancy. That is why this condition is often considered as an abortion. The other symptoms are – vomiting, nausea, increased hCG levels, early pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure, which […]
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: Tests Your Doctor Should Run in the Course of Your Treatment Fibromyalgia is often missed or misdiagnosed for a number of reasons. There aren’t definitive blood tests or X-ray to diagnose Fibromyalgia and it shares symptoms with many other diseases and conditions. Diagnosing Fibromyalgia is a combination of taking the patient’s symptom history, […]
Hepatitis C: Diagnosis and Treatment Hepatitis C is a very important viral illness that primarily affect the liver. Most recent estimates indicate that about 1-2% of U.S. population are affected by this illness. It is one of the most frequent causes of chronic liver condition, leading to hardening and cancer of the liver. Not surprisingly, […]
Elephantiasis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Elephantiasis is a common medical predicament that causes the underlying tissues of the body in both genders to thicken causing them to look like elephant limbs. In the cases of males, elephantiasis can even affect the scrotum and make it the size of a softball. Elephantiasis is caused due […]
Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Ebola Virus disease (EVD) is a life threatening and contagious disease which is contracted by human beings as well as primates. It is a hemorrhagic fever; caused by ebolaviruses also known as “filoviruses” (they are from the virus family “filivoridae”). There are five viruses that are included […]
Natural Remedies and Treatment For Meningitis Question: I am scared to death about meningitis. My three-year-old daughter had her meningitis C vaccination last December but, according to our GP, the more common and deadly type is meningitis B. However, the vaccine for this is not available in the UK, apparently because it’s too expensive. Please […]
Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Iron-Deficiency Anaemia Iron-deficiency is amongst the most common diseases that have been found in many human beings. The disease caused due to lack of iron is also known as ‘Anaemia’ in medical terms and is a common, easily curable condition that exists in a human being who does not have […]
Canine Corona Virus – Symptoms and Treatment of the Corona Virus in Dogs Canine Corona Virus Corona Virus in dogs affects the intestines and can cause intense diarrhea leading to dehydration. It is transmitted through contact with infected feces and can be passed from dog to dog when they are sniffing one another or playing. […]
Eczema Natural Treatment: Things You Must Know There are things that you can do aside from the eczema natural treatment methods that you may be already doing. Eczema can be treated at home, but you must not forget that living a healthy lifestyle, eating the right kinds of foods and keeping the surrounding clean can […]
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