Doctor, Please Treat Me Like a Dog! Since The beginning of time there has been disease and various ways to relieve it. It seems that every culture developed its own mythology of how disease occurred and an accompanying mythology of how treatment modalities word work. What is even more impressive is that most, if not […]

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The Causes and Symptoms of Anhidrosis And How To Treat It Sweating is the body response to heat in order to stay cool by secreting fluid via the sweat glands. It happens when the body is producing heat or when it is exposed to heat. By releasing moisture onto the skin, heat is released out […]

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IBS Treatment – The Magic Of Cumin To Treat Bloating And Constipation One of the major symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the gas buildup in the stomach. The gas, if not relieved, will cause cramping, colon spasm and major discomfort. Sometimes this can be so severe, that the IBS sufferer has to be […]

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How to Treat Syringoma Sweat Duct Problem Sweat duct problems or even tumors, known as, syringoma are not usually painful, although they may be uncomfortable or annoying. Cosmetically, most people consider them unattractive. Syringomas may be accompanied by dermatitis, inflammation of the skin. In that case, the skin around the eyes and possibly elsewhere on […]

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