She loses her temper very often nowadays. ‘Not at all surprising under the present circumstances’, Nandini reasons. Her life has been reduced to a saga of non-stop drudgery-from early morning to late night, without a break till she falls like a log on the double bed more than half of which is always occupied by […]
If you’re single, remember that online dating is just one of the options you can take if you hope to meet someone with marriage potential. But take a good amount of caution, because not all who frequent dating sites have the purest of intentions. There’s one thing that can play a crucial role to your […]
The Nadar community belongs to the southern most part of the country in Tamilnadu and marriage is an elaborate affair for people belonging to this community. The people of this sect are culturally rich and believe in their tradition strongly although they are very simple at heart and therefore it becomes easy for a newly-wed […]
There are many Indian matchmaking services that can help people look for a Sindhi bride or groom. Many online portals in the country provide excellent matchmaking services. The wedding in India is supposed to celebrate the caste and culture of the families uniting. Same is true for a typical Sindhi marriage. Sindhi’s are the people […]
Can one choice change your life? You bet! Just ask Juliana Brody. Superior Court Judge, and the star of Judgment. The new suspense legal thriller from the master of fiction entertainment – Joseph Finder. A single choice. A lapse in judgment. Just one change your life. Just ask Juliana Brody. Superior Court Judge, wife, mother […]
Mature women are in a league of their own when it comes to the dating scene. While in the past, these women seeking for partners were often looked upon with disdain, the society has evolved enough during recent years to understand and recognize the appeal of these women that can now date any man they […]
I rejoined a few days ago. I’ve belonged to Match 4-5 times since the early 2000’s. I rejoined because they have the largest database of potential partners. Before I came back to Match, I was on a couple of smaller “niche” dating sites, but they just didn’t have enough members to be effective in […]
Online Dating Profiles come and go, people find boyfriends and girlfriends and checkout of the dating scene for a while, some never to return, others just go dark with their profiles until that relationship ends and they are ready to start again, like Taylor Swift’s song; Blank Space. Still there are other more bizarre things […]
Doctors give us dating fever while politicians just leave us cold. A study conducted by FastLife Speed Dating on eligible professions revealed that doctors are the most dateable profession for both men and women, while politicians were ranked among the least desirable. The survey of 400 male and female FastLife members compared the “sexiness” and […]
Do you really know yourself? I’m not talking about superficial stuff like your favorite color or dress size. Know thyself is always the first rule because self-awareness is essential to everything, especially finding a soul mate. How can you seek to understand another when you lack a deep understanding of yourself? This article presents four […]