Most extramarital affairs happen at work, there are reports saying that around 50% of affairs happen at work. It is not uncommon for a married person to get romantically involved with someone at work. Most people spend a large amount of their time at work with their co-workers and the workplace is a perfect place […]

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Arya Vysya caste belongs to the Southern part of India. They have a brief wedding ceremony. But the rituals are quite specific and they have to be performed. In this caste, you will see that the weddings include many guests and they all take part in the rituals too. They still are quite traditional when […]

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The Chinese dating world is already a highly competitive market, especially because the People’s Republic’s One-Child Policy has resulted in a gender imbalance so large that they now pose serious negative social and economic impacts. When you add the traditional restrictions those who seek life mates place on their search criteria, finding a partner becomes […]

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Yeah, yeah. It’s absolutely true that online dating worked out pretty well for me, ultimately. But having given it some thought, I wanted to come clean with you about something. It’s not like every single date was a blissful stream of perfection. Sure, I met lots of great women and had a blast for several […]

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Are you still seeking your soul mate? Or are you just looking for friends with the same interests? Well, online dating is definitely a great way to widen your circle of friends. It is really fun to meet many interesting people and sometimes addictive for many people. Some have even met their soul mate by […]

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Online chatting allows communicating with people through text, audio and video media. It is an efficient tool which helps stay in touch with friends and family members living worldwide. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people. Contrary to traditional phone calls (which are usually quite expensive), online chatting is available for free. […]

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There are those who believe that before we came into this physical body, we were part of the energy and love that exists in the spirit world. We were souls that had access to the limitless love and knowledge that’s available in that realm. But we eventually made a decision to come back into the […]

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The emotional pain caused by the sudden loss of a spouse is more agonizing than physical trauma. One that has lost their husband or wife recently will be able to better relate with the feelings of anger, desolation and sadness. Often in such moments a close friend or relative will advise you to move on; […]

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Any woman who has been involved in an affair will tell you that getting over someone married is not as easy as it may seem. Many girls get involved with married men when they know that they will not be in a relationship forever. However, this does not make it any easier when the time […]

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The working women class in India goes through an extensive change and adjustment after marriage. There are concerns like, “Will my in-laws allow me to continue working after marriage?” Will I be able to handle my matrimonial responsibilities with my job?” The concept of marriage is evolving today. It has come a long way from […]

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