All relationships go through ups and downs, but if you get the feeling something is wrong, that things are not as they normally are, look for these classic signs that he is cheating on you. By themselves they may be insignificant and may well have perfectly innocent explanations, but many people whose partner cheated on […]
India is a land of cultural ethnicity, where you can witness a plethora of rituals, customs and traditions in Indian Marriages, as you travel across the length and breadth of the subcontinent. These colorful rituals and customs vary as per religion and region of the various parts of country; however, you may find similar rituals […]
Indian culture and heritage upholds the sanctity of the institution of marriage with the richness of its traditions. Through innumerable generations, the nuptial knot has defined the very concept of ‘family’ in Indian culture and social communities. Marriages in India not only depicts the mere union of the bride and the groom, but also communion […]
Did you know that there is not a single book on wellness and pornography? Not only that — no worksite wellness program offers lectures, educational videos or other instruction about pornography. The National Wellness Association has not addressed the topic – not a single session at any of the 30-plus annual conferences has been devoted […]
I have worked for professional dating or introduction agencies for over thirty years and I can’t imagine ever wanting to do anything else. All the happy clients, the fun we have in the office, even the problems, I wouldn’t miss them for the world. It really is a job like no other. So – what […]
Do you horney women, married but flirting women, and other highly interested females actually put ads online seeking to meet guys? My personal experience indicates the answer is a definite yes. I never went seeking women in these categories, but for some reason I seemed to attract responses from a fair amount of them. When […]
What Does Your Screen Name Tell About You? I’ve done my share of online dating and sometimes think I’ve seen it all when it comes to unique screen names. Screen names create your first impression. It may seem minor, but the screen name or “handle” you use to identify yourself on a dating profile could […]
The industry comes up with conflicting advice for those who are searching for guidelines on dating. While some may ask you to be as original as you can, others may advice you to be someone else to attract girls. However, most of the effective dating guides try to bring a change in men’s perspective of […]
I often hear from wives who ask me how husbands really feel about their mistresses. I often hear things like: “It’s bad enough that he cheated on me and had a physical relationship with someone else. But, the emotional cheating is the hardest to take. Because I don’t think I could bear it if he […]
With sexual chemistry, you come alive in the presence of another person. What if that person isn’t your partner? With a strong commitment, you protect your relationship from tempting threats that steal power and passion from your intimate connection. Do you need to strengthen your commitment and chemistry with your partner? Find out with this […]