Do pheromone perfumes and colognes really work? Scientists seem to think so including researchers at Harvard University where they are working hard to uncover the sixth sense of scent. Long though dormant in humans, researchers have discovered that tiny vomeronasal organs in the nostrils are the seat of the sixth sense. This is not about […]
“He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how” -Friedrich Nietzsche Have you ever been in a situation where you carry on with your life, perhaps you have a job, you get up every morning go to work, come back to your family and carry this on for a year or […]
I can not tell you how many women tell me that they just can’t get let the affair go once and for all. They’ve made the decision to forgive and they want to save their marriage. They’ve completed some work on restoring the trust and they’ve tried to move on in a healthy way. However, […]
It’s estimated that 50 percent of husbands will have an affair. I’m not talking about an emotional affair or a fantasy affair but a physical affair. With such a daunting statistic, what are the odds that your husband will cheat on you and how in the world do you keep him on the right side […]
Have you ever been to a speed dating event? If you have you’ll understand the concept of speed networking. At a speed dating event you get to meet an awful lot of people in a very short space of time and the idea is that first impressions count, if you hit it off with someone […]
We hear it all the time. “He just won’t make a commitment.” “She just wants some space right now.” “I’m not sure if I’m ready for a serious relationship.” What does having a fear of commitment really mean? Actually, it means basically what it says. For SOME reason you, or someone you are involved with, […]
Everyone has a Twin Flame. Everyone has an image of their perfect mate in their psyche and can describe them in detail. It is our anima and animus. We project these qualities onto our mates when we fall in love and marry. Most of us work with our Twin Flame unconsciously, but during this generation, […]
Sex – a billion dollar industry. The average amount of time spent viewing porn online is one hour and a half per week. Yet not that many people are actually having sex. What about you? How is your love life? Find out if you and your partner are up to par. Many married couples admit […]
It’s very normal for a wife to have a lot of questions about the other woman. In fact, some of us get almost fixated on her, thinking that she has some miraculous and magical qualities that we don’t have. People can tell us that any woman who would accept a relationship with a married man […]
Compatibility of the bride and groom plays an eminent role in strengthening the marriage bond between them. It’s not only the horoscope compatibility, but the personality and the nature of the person should also match. It is very important, that the couple tying the bond of marriage should have some things in common, which would […]