Like all legal matters the law surrounding divorce will vary considerably from country to country and across differing cultures. International divorce can therefore be an extremely convoluted matter to resolve when dealing with spouses from differing countries, especially when the custody of children is also an issue. However, the issue is becoming more prevalent as […]
I’ve been thinking for the past week, what to write an article on. I was just thinking, well all of how to do it is clearly listed on the blog, what more can I tell people. But then I remembered an issue that I was having a few months back and how I overcame the […]
“Permanent Happiness” by Iyabo Ojikutu, MD, is a beautifully written guide to help you live a peaceful life. Tying together the link between our physical and spiritual lives, Dr. Ojikutu offers three steps to help us become more peaceful and happy beings. In this work, she shares a great deal of her own personal experiences, […]
As an emotional empath, spiritual intuitive and relationship advisor the one question we get more than ANY is about how to create enduring love in a romantic relationship. After all… its’ cliche to say that it’s NATURAL for the “spark” to disappear after a while, because MOST people already know that, and unfortunately experience it […]
Is your sex life dull and boring? Are you tired of the same routine? Well, maybe it is time for a change. It is time to think outside the box and experiment with possibilities you have not considered before. Many people who find themselves in a sexual rut are now turning to swinging as a […]
It’s normal to have conflicting emotions after you find out about your husband’s affair. You may go from not wanting him in your line of sight to fantasizing about saving your marriage over the course of only a few hours. One morning you may be considering kicking him out and by night time, you’re thinking […]
Marriages in India are done according to the traditions and the rituals of a particular community or religion. The marriage ceremonies in away, reflects the caste or the creed one belongs to. The matrimony methods and the rituals practised vary from community to community and hence become the trademarks of a particular area. Every caste […]
Many wives who find out that their husband is still actively cheating often lists “getting him to stop” as the most important goal. This is true even if the wife has no idea if she wants to save her marriage. Very few people are going to discover cheating and then look the other way or […]
British coins reflect a nation with a very long history and traditions that take a long time to die. Using Latin on coins is not anachronistic but a statement of who we, the British, are and hopefully will always be, reinforced by the effigy of Queen or King on the obverse and emblems of greatness, […]
What does a cub bring to the table that an old coot can’t or won’t? Youth, stamina, libido of course and a certain amount of innocence and sweetness that we find empowering. But if a cub pounces too fast, the Cougar gets away. That being said, I think it is a good idea to get […]