Neemthe Organic Health Solution There is a dream in the world of medicine that some day a magic pill will be developed that will cure or prevent multiple health problems. But nature has already created a remarkable tree that does just that. The Neem tree, native to East India and cultivated in other parts of […]

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An Overlooked Cause of EU, UN and US Problems Needing a Biblical Solution Wisdom is looking at life from a biblical perspective. The European Union poster suggests their intent to rebuild the Tower of Babel culturally for Europe to become “one voice.” Genesis 11 shows the scattering of people with various languages to areas where […]

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For Worry-Free Travel, Travel Agents Is the Solution There are a plethora of full service travel agents who prepare the itinerary of the traveler from researching, planning to purchasing an entire trip to ‘Discover India’. The tour packages are at a discounted or subsidized rate due to channel partners that comprises of economic luxurious hotels, […]

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Is Bankruptcy a Debt Solution? Bankruptcy seems rather an unusual listing in the catalogue of debt solutions. In truth many are of the belief that bankruptcy should not even be considered, unless all options have been meticulously well thought-out. Well, this may well be true, because bankruptcy is a double edged sword with its own […]

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