After the autumn of Rome, absolutely no single state or perhaps folks were united by government that were living over the European continent. Instead, the Catholic Church evolved into most effective institution of the medieval time. Kings, other leaders and queens derived much of the power of theirs from the alliances of theirs with and […]
Erma Evans, a widow in the Church of God, served as a perfect example of what the Apostle Paul called for from our senior women (Titus 2:3). She touched the lives of many and was affectionately called “Mama Evans” by the young fellows of the Worldwide Church of God in Toledo, Ohio: Church singles whom […]
One of the very best things about dating in the modern age is that, more than ever before, we can be comfortable and open about what our preferences are. It’s an era of unparalleled openness and for those of us with body shape preferences, it’s something of a dream. That’s never truer than with plus-sized […]
On the internet one should easily find a large number of dating websites where you can easily find a suitable match for you. But, beware there are also huge number of bogus sites are running on the internet. But directly jump to these sites, check their genuine and trust level before enrolling themselves on those […]
You may at this stage be having second doubts about online dating. Maybe you are thinking you’re past it. Hey, none of us are too old. I’m sure you have heard the funnies about romance in the retirement homes. Well its true. Love, romance and companionship is very much alive no matter what age. Being […] is an international dating site that helps an individual man from America or the West to search for black woman friends as a live in partner, a date and of course marriage. It will not be out of place to mention that is a site that panders to the exotic. Ever since Dr. […]
One of the strongest influences I have come to realize after years of doing psychic readings and numerology readings, and the most often asked question many of us would like to know is, “Is this person my soul mate?” The word itself, soul mate, arouses not only those all important instincts to be with a […]
It’s a fact that most singles think of relationships than any other thing in life. But before you choose a life partner you need to discover your purpose on earth. Purpose precedes choosing a life partner. You don’t need a mate when you’ve not discovered your purpose. Don’t settle down until you’ve settled the course […]
Now that the Tiger Woods affair is officially out of the bag and I’ve gotten over my initial shock disgust, it does shed light on some important issues of infidelity and monogamy that beg exploring further. Why did he do it, especially with such a perfect life and wife? The fact that he could cheat […]
I get this question a lot and I get it from women on both sides of this fence. The wives often ask it because they want to know if they can really believe their husband when he swears that he is done with the other woman. And, I sometimes hear this question from the mistress […]