How Inventors Shape Our Lives Everyday Picture this- Millions of people do this routine: After waking up, they get up and take a shower; they use an iron board to press out their work clothes; since the room is pretty warm, they turn on the air conditioner to cool off; After using a hair brush […]
How to Dress Your Plus Size Body Shape in Vintage Clothing Tired of ransacking the malls and chain stores to find something new and different? Not seeing anything tempting in catalogs? Then try VINTAGE! Where almost EVERYTHING is one of a kind! Let’s put it this way–you won’t meet yourself at a party! Maybe you […]
Good Foods for Acid Reflux – Getting Your Diet in Shape When you think of the problems associated with acid reflux, a disease who’s primary symptom is an upwelling of stomach acid, you probably know, deep down, that medication and other modern hospital care is probably not the answer. If you simply eat good foods […]
Corona Virus, Size And Shape, Mask Effectiveness, Areas Unaffected, No Vaccine Yet The loss of US population matches the death toll of second World War. We cannot gloat on this depressing position. Defense methods like social distancing, frequent washing of hands, cleaning car knobs, door knobs, table surfaces, avoiding public crowded places like theaters, sports […]
How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes Like a Pro and Keep Even Cheap Brushes in Great Shape for Years It’s not a flashy topic, not one that most people like to think about often, but it is worthy of mention for all artists and beauty enthusiasts that a good brush spray cleaner, and a good […]