Ayurveda – The Science of Life The Science of Life Alternative medicine has become a wonderful supplement to traditional western medicine in recent years. Acupuncture is now accepted as part of mainstream treatment for any number of ailments and in fact is provided by Britain’s national health service. A lesser known form of alternative treatment […]
Science and Climate Change and Why It Should Not Be Ignored The most prominent debate at this time is climate change and the manner in which it is downplayed and twisted into unsubstantiated tales. Governments are the worst offenders when it comes to twisting facts into policies. It stands to reason that those who favour […]
How Turmeric Is Measuring Up In Western Science For over 5000 years there is a history of turmeric being a big part of healing among some of the most respected alternative medicine leaders in the world. Not easily convinced, the scientific community of the educated western world deny real time trial, error and testimonial and […]
Data Science: The Balance Maintainer Between the Business World and Data World A DATA SCIENTIST often termed as big data wranglers who have the skill sets and the knowledge base of mathematicians or statisticians to perform the interdisciplinary activities such as predictive analysis, visualization, and presentation. THE DEMAND FOR DATA SCIENTISTS has acquired a high […]
Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy. For the last 50 to 60 years, discussion about birth control or population control has increased so much that it has become a discussing point on Television, Radio, Internet and all other various platforms. Ahmad and Abu Dawood […]