Nine Top Tips To Reduce The Ways Your Sales Force Might Be Putting Your Business At Risk When you think about the risks your sales force may be creating, the main thing to bear in mind is that salespeople are often working alone and away from the supervision, support and the sort of controls that […]
Ohganix: Putting the Sexy in Organic Intimate Apparel When Michelle Kramer, owner and designer of Ohganix intimate apparel, was 10 she saw the Miss America Pageant and knew she wanted to be a fashion designer. She saw the beautiful dresses and knew she wanted to create something beautiful too. This is not necessarily the career […]
Dog Fashion Designers – Putting Their Exclusive Creations For Dogs Dog Fashion designers have always given their best to customers. They keep presenting their exclusive costume collection on different occasions. Creation of attractive, vibrant and exclusive dog costumes and fashion accessories needs lots of creativity and honest efforts. Dog fashion designers associated with popular fashion […]