The following are some of the most recent reviews of the critically acclaimed book: Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories – A Guide to the Perils of Dating (How not to become a bar regular. For more information and to read an excerpt visit the website at the end of the reviews. To date there has been […]
Seed (aka Lindsay Wincherauk) is a relationship expert and is described as: “…a lot like James Bond. No one man can personify the true depth of Seed. In a way Seed is the “Exception”. He does not march to the same drum as the masses. He charts his own course, makes his own mistakes and […]
1. Exposed If my best friend and I had a dollar for every time a guy whipped out his penis on the first date with no rhyme or reason, we would have like six dollars. That’s way too many dollars. Boys — because lets face it, you can’t be called men — let me be […]