Several years ago the media got a hold of a statistic that once women reach a certain age their chances for marriage dwindle dramatically. Just like the media to take one line from one study and play it with lots of drama. It then becomes truth in the minds of many. What this does is […]

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One frequently asked question about finding a mate online is, what the best dating site? There are various ways of zeroing in on the best dating site for you. Notice the words "for you". What's good for someone else, even your closest friend or twin sibling may not necessarily be good for you. First and […]

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There have been many misconceptions about the lives of Africans before the advent of European and American colonization. According to some historians, Africans were nothing more than savages whose only contributions to the world were farming and slaves. This is not true. The history of ancient Africa is just as interesting, complex, and sophisticated as […]

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Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people who pledge to spend the rest of their lives together and care for each other. The day of their wedding is what most people, especially Filipina women, dream about. Despite a drop in rates of marriage, people in general are still marrying. Till Death Do us Part […]

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If you have decided a few of your favorite wedding venues and you are almost there to sign on your final venue, there are certain things you need to look for. Here are some of the important questions to ask when picking your wedding venue. 1. Is it large enough to host a huge list […]

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After having experienced the 1960s and 1970s during my childhood, I thought I had heard and seen just about everything on TV. U.S. presidential candidate Richard Nixon appeared briefly on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In to help him secure the youth vote. The U.S. Communist Party held a fundraiser on TV and raised about $1000. Legendary […]

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Marathi matrimony is trusted as one of the most celebrated brands of matrimony. It combines technology with tradition in a unique way. It has evolved into one of the foremost groups for uniting people in matrimony. The people of Maharashtra have a unique culture and belief of marriage that is truly all of their won. […]

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Despite its morbidity, death is often seen as a sacred rite. Most religions outline specific preferences and prohibitions. The process of mourning and caring for the deceased is as varied as humans themselves. These three styles of death rituals have been observed throughout time, geographical location, class, culture, and religion. Cremation Cremation, or burning the […]

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Professional Matchmaking dating services have pros and cons, just like anything else. It’s true that you can meet someone just walking down the street, so in that respect, it’s quite possible that a professional matchmaker is unnecessary. However, you might date everyone in your immediate circle and still not see the right person for you. […]

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Ramadan is regarded as the holiest month of the year for Muslims as it was the month in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be unto Him). Ramadan is a time of year when Muslims all over the world unify for a 30-day spiritual practice of fasting and conscious praying. Muslims […]

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