Dating today has changed dramatically from the time our parents dated. In those days people met in church, libraries, grocery stores or were introduced by friends and family. Blind dates were very popular and often unsuccessful. Today, dating has taken on a new and refreshing form. There are, I would venture to say, pluses in […]

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As previously stated, women are supposed to be pursued (men are hunters by nature). So, stop trying to find a soul mate; you’re violating the established protocol. For that reason, this article recommends five strategic moves. In addition to obtaining the desires of your heart, they’ll help you avoid heartache, stress, and sleepless nights. 5 […]

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After more than 20 years of independence, the country of Ukraine has become internationally known for one thing above all others and that is its Ukrainian girls. Ukrainian girls are among the most beautiful in the world. Millions of men from western countries have spent the time, energy, effort, and money it takes to travel […]

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Does your husband having a female friend put your marriage in jeopardy? Have you ever been jealous of your husbands’ relationship or a little uneasy if he has a female friend? You are not alone and you should be cautious of the relationship especially if a female leads it. While on the surface there is […]

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The United States Bureau of the Census says the fastest-growing household type since the 1980s has been the single person. The same is true in some other countries like the UK and Japan. A report says that sixty percent of people living in Stockholm live alone. It raises the question of whether it is better […]

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Internet dating is an amazing phenomenon. Nowadays, Internet dating sites in the U.S. are getting over 60 million visitors a month. There are now many hundreds of dating sites on the Web. Why such tremendous growth in this business? Simply because it’s an easy, efficient way to meet members of the opposite sex. Anyway, it […]

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Choosing a wedding venue is not an easy job to do. Because, a perfect venue can make your wedding successful and sometimes the selection of venue can abolish the happiness of wedding. As the wedding is the most important event of every single person’s life. So, choosing the wedding venue is simultaneously the most important […]

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Before you join any adult matchmaker site, it is vital to go through a matchmaker advisor. This is an organization or an individual that is dedicated to finding a suitable mate for you. The truth of the matter is that there are sites that are worth going through but, there are others that will simply […]

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The word “enlightenment” is one of those New-Agey, mysterious words that I wanted to understand the moment I heard it. The more I heard about this vague concept of becoming highly spiritual, the more elusive it seemed to be. It was like trying to catch a butterfly: it kept flitting out of reach the more […]

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The festival of Halloween in the UK is over 2000 years old, dating back to the time of the Celts (600 BC-50 AD). The Celts celebrated the end of summer and the gathering in of the harvest with a festival called ‘Samhain’, which took place on the night of 31 October. Even then, this date […]

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