Congruence is important in dating. Ever met someone who thought they were the most moral and ethical person in the world and never missed an opportunity to remind you of that? Kind of annoying, huh? Especially when you start to examine their behavior and discover what they call “ethics and morals” conveniently explains away their […]

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1. Exposed If my best friend and I had a dollar for every time a guy whipped out his penis on the first date with no rhyme or reason, we would have like six dollars. That’s way too many dollars. Boys — because lets face it, you can’t be called men — let me be […]

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I had a thought today: what if I was using an international online dating service and really liked a girl from, let’s say, Japan? I imagined that I would write to her “hi” and “how are you” and maybe “how’s your day going”, and then my imagination arrived at an impasse. Do I know anything […]

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How are we going to cultivate divine love when the world as a whole has lost the actual definition of the word? Man has so abused the meaning of love that so few know what real love is. True love permeates our whole creation the same way oil is within every particle of the olive. […]

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All relationships start off fantastically, with passion, excitement and hope. Often this dissipates and so ends the relationship but even those that are lucky enough to find a life partner will never again experience the feelings associated with the first kiss. The reasons why are obvious. The warmth of that first embrace, the touch of […]

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Oddly enough, one of the most common times for a man to cheat in a marriage is in the weeks and months following the birth of his first child. It seems like such an odd time to have an affair but for many men it is exactly when they do cheat on their wives for […]

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Most people will spend a third of their lives asleep. Similarly, as incredible as it may sound, another third will be spent at work. Unpleasant, but true: for most of us, one third of our adult life will be spent engaged in furthering the goals of our employer, which may or may not align with […]

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Dating over sixty is supposed to be very satisfying. You need companionship, love and a shoulder to lean on through all. Women who are over 60 get into dating to pillar their lives and to enjoy their senior years in the appropriate company. Considering that there are fewer responsibilities at sixty, maybe because children are […]

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First it was the family priest who would meticulously research the “rishta” or “match” for the family by drawing on his immense community network resources. Then it was an era of the matrimonial classified columns in all the leading newspapers which would carry short and terse classifieds about demure brides and bashful bridegrooms. Today, marriages […]

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As social networking sites and internet blogs continue to increase in both popularity and use, the opportunities for defamatory and libelous actions increase proportionally. Defamation, sometimes called “defamation of character”, is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person’s reputation. Slander is generally spoken defamation, while ‘libel’ is written. Blogs […]

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