Vedic astrology is rich in its contents. It lays down specific methods to understand human relationships and helps in taking informed decisions. In this article we will discuss how Vedic astrology can be used to check the compatibility of couples. Here, we use the horoscopes of two leading celebrities of Bollywood – Salman Khan and […]

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Many wives who are dealing with infidelity understandably want the complete truth about every single, tiny detail of their husband’s life and thoughts. It might seem like overkill to some, but when you’ve been betrayed and fooled by a spiderweb of lies, then it can get to a point where you’ll only tolerate 100% of […]

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Sex dating websites are persuading increasing numbers of people, both in and out of relationships, to seek new experiences with new partners. However, protagonists find themselves trapped in circular chats of exchanged messages in which pornographic encounters are rehearsed but direct requests for meetings are cleverly evaded. A way has been found to generate a […]

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Boomers are the most vulnerable of all age groups when it comes to dating. They’ve gone through a bitter divorce, or their loved one passed away leaving them at the loneliest time in their life. Many have saved money from their early years and have hefty bank accounts, stocks and bonds. Growing old with their […]

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Online dating websites create the opportunity for people to meet potential partners and friends online. Although many people go out specifically looking to find romance, the general trend is that most people upload a profile to a social networking website and meet partners online in much the same way that you would offline. When you […]

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Are you a lonely man? When was the last time you went out on date with a sensuous, sexy and beautiful woman of your dream? Would you like to spark up your romantic life? It has been reported that there are more single women in US than available men. And if you ask most single […]

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As kids, we are taught that fairy tales do come true. The Prince will meet a princess and they will fall happily in love. They say that when you kiss a frog you will find your prince. There are countless stories about meeting your soul mate. However, while fairy tales do sometimes come true, there […]

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Drastically different from the popular belief, what high flying men find attractive in a woman is not limited to beautiful faces and movie star bodies with attractive busts and petite buttocks. These features are a bonus, but they pale in comparison to the other features a very successful man looks for in a potential life […]

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There are too many things in life that have a three strikes policy. You get three strikes in some states before you are handed a life-long prison term. In baseball, you get three strikes and you’re outta there. Isn’t it great that relationships don’t have a three strikes policy? You are not limited to three […]

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Lingayat or Kannada weddings are quite simple. They have a few rituals and customs. They do not prefer lavish weddings. This is because they are simple people. However, a few exceptions have turned out. You will see that Lingayat matrimony also encourages destination weddings and fusion foods. Thus, you can say that even they have […]

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