Human beings want to love and to be loved. Some are more eager than others to find their “soul mate,” and the sooner the better. Americans receive countless messages about love and romance from an early age. Fifty years ago, young girls were conditioned to play with dolls and were taught to focus on their […]
I often hear from wives who ask me how husbands really feel about their mistresses. I often hear things like: “It’s bad enough that he cheated on me and had a physical relationship with someone else. But, the emotional cheating is the hardest to take. Because I don’t think I could bear it if he […]
Introduction: Anne Bradstreet and John Donne lived and created their works in a contemporary age, an age filled with unrest. In my opinion, just under this background, they wrote beautiful poetry of similar and individual characteristics. Anne’s To My Dear and Loving Husband and John’s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning are two typical examples to prove […]
Many married women like to have an affair and seek new love with a new guy only to leave their families behind. Well, this is quite unethical to have an affair with a married one than a single woman who needs fresh relationship. Approaching a married woman is easier than approaching a single woman. This […]
Recent Protests and Moral Justice-Where Is the Love? I know that I am not alone in being aghast at some of the scenes that have emerged on television over the last few days. People who started off protesting about a dreadful incident in America now seem to have lost their reason and are behaving in […]
Making Things Work in Love By now we know that love has to be worked on to be perfect. However, in its perfection, love does not lack its fair share of imperfections. Despite all that, it is a beautiful thing and those who find it find solace in life. Love conquers much and gives us […]
The emotional pain caused by the sudden loss of a spouse is more agonizing than physical trauma. One that has lost their husband or wife recently will be able to better relate with the feelings of anger, desolation and sadness. Often in such moments a close friend or relative will advise you to move on; […]
Almost everyone who lost a romantic partner or missed a love life opportunity has wondered if they will ever experience another rewarding love life connection. It’s an exceedingly common concern, especially for those, such as divorcees or widows, finding themselves single for the first time in years. Below is a related inquiry, and our response. […]
Are you one of those girls who enjoys taking love match capability tests? Are you constantly searching for love match capability tests online? Do you determine the future of a relationship based on the results of a love match capability test? These Love Match Capability tests can be fun, but it should be noted that […]
5 Reasons Why You’ll Fall In Love With The Middle Ages Think of the Middle Ages, you think: gallant knights galloping along, women in long, overflowing attire, a sea of plagues, lots of filth, lots of wealth, pretty maidens, battles, castles and dingy huts. Most of us who learn even a little about medieval times […]