La Martina – Men Love Shopping Does your man hate shopping? Whisper “La Martina” to him! These two little words have a magical effect on men. Since ages, women have complained about the reluctance of their men to shop for clothes. Mention shopping to them, and suddenly they would have a power point presentation to […]

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SPRING OF LOVE My partner and I fell in love on spring We cannot imagine together not loving or laughing That thought, we’ll be happy forever, what a feeling To me Falling in love is like spring It is a magical moment Spring time, a lavender-scent We kiss and all just click Everything seems perfect […]

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White magic deals with the energy that is positive all around us. It is a magic that makes use of your subtle feelings and sweet desires. The elements and objects that are used for white magic are beautiful and sublime. All that is beautiful are made into use when white magic aims for happiness. The […]

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Does he really love me? How can I be sure? And what are the signs he’s the one? How can I tell that he’s the one I’m going to spend a lifetime with… for better or for worse? With so many scandals in the news these days… it’s no wonder there is a complete and […]

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Horoscope match making before performing the wedding, is perhaps unique In India and also to the Vedic system of astrology. In India among Hindus, majority of arranged marriages are performed after tallying the horoscopes and matching the charts of the couple perfectly for love compatibility. Though the modern urban life and the consequent increase in […]

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In our life time we all encounter people that we instantly connect with. Some unknown energy creates an environment where a strong emotional connection is made. It could range from feelings of love at first sight, all the way to a friendship slowly growing into a relationship. When we meet someone who is considered in […]

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As an emotional empath, spiritual intuitive and relationship advisor the one question we get more than ANY is about how to create enduring love in a romantic relationship. After all… its’ cliche to say that it’s NATURAL for the “spark” to disappear after a while, because MOST people already know that, and unfortunately experience it […]

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In Tarot reading, the Hierophant Tarot Card represents the wise teacher. He encourages us to find a sense of purpose and meaning in our own lives. He is the messenger of spiritual principles and often refers to one’s ethics and traditional values. When he appears in a tarot reading, he often suggests conventionality and a […]

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Speed dating or online matchmaking-these may be the latest romantic trends, but the artistry of love is ancient and the desire for beauty is something altogether primitive. Searching for a mate or attempting to seduce a partner was once the work of potions and charms, animal sacrifices and amulets. While many of the old rituals […]

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The feeling you get when your partner, that special someone to you cheats can be summarized in two words… Betrayal and Hurt. It actually feels more painful if you’ve been especially faithful to this person. I am going to talk about this from the male perspective. What is cheating? The way I see it, cheating […]

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