“In order to find a prince, you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” This may be a mantra for Venus-Neptune aspects, since finding a dream man or woman to merge with is their compelling quest. Unlike Venus-Pluto or Venus-Saturn types who may turn their back on love after being badly burned, Venus-Neptune folks get […]
What is your heart telling you during that passionate kiss? Scripture points out to us that even when we look at another person with lust (desire) we have committed adultery in our heart. If I think about being thirsty, I will want to drink some water. And the more I dwell on how thirsty I […]
All relationships start off fantastically, with passion, excitement and hope. Often this dissipates and so ends the relationship but even those that are lucky enough to find a life partner will never again experience the feelings associated with the first kiss. The reasons why are obvious. The warmth of that first embrace, the touch of […]