My Power Mall Business Evaluation I have looked at numerous on-line money making opportunities over the last 10 years and very few have been truly free or that actually provides a product or service that would be of benefit to me. Today I am looking at My Power Mall (MPM). Here is the basic information. […]
What Is a Plus Size and Why Can’t the Fashion Industry Deal With It Properly? This is an area under debate at the moment and some people are clearly struggling with it. They know that plus size is popular and is a hot topic for discussion and they wish to participate and comment on the […]
Lip Rings: A Fashion Statement for Today’s Youth In recent years, fashion and fashion statement has got many new aspects. With the ever-increasing new concepts and dimensions in fashion world, today’s generation is accepting appealing fashion styles to be a part of mainstream. One of such most popular trend in today’s youth is wearing lip […]
Crochet History 1900s – 21st Century Lavish crochet emerged alongside other forms of elaborate needlework in the nineteenth century. When printed materials began to be mass-produced in the mid-nineteenth century, the popularity of crochet increased vastly. Patterns for silk thread purses were the first to have been published, from about 1824 in Holland. Prior to […]
The Basic Steps For an Organized, Well Stocked Pantry! Upon doing my Spring Cleaning, I wanted to share with you some Kitchen Basics. It is my belief that every home needs a well organized pantry. If you don’t have the luxury of a walk in pantry, don’t despair! You should be able to designate and […]
Influence of IT in Textile Business Textile Supply Chain has been highly influenced by four important features of Information Technology; these features are: Information integration, Planning synchronisation, Workflow coordination and new business models. It is also come across that these IT applications facilitate the execution of several theories of supply chain management, like constant refilling, […]
Fun Facts About Dominican Republic DID YOU KNOW THAT… Dominican Oscar de la Renta is one of the best-known fashion designers of the 21st century. He was born on July 22, 1932, in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, one of the most beautiful cities in the Caribbean. His clothes are wear by […]
How to Get the Best Deals on Boutique Girls Clothing Online It seems like these days more and more people shop for boutique girls clothing online. What’s not to love about online shopping? You can do it in the comfort of your home or on the go any time of day. You can take your […]
4 Popular Types of Clothing Fabrics Fabrics and textures in modern clothing are wide-ranging and vary in relation to their tactile visual qualities. The type of fabric can have an impact on the all-round appearance, and help create the preferred look. Here are a few of the most popular types of clothing fabrics: Cotton Cotton […]