A quick quiz for suspicious spouses. This isn’t a fun quiz, and there are no prizes for getting the top score. Well, maybe there is, if realizing your hubby or wife is stepping out on you can help you take action. There are few things in life more hurtful than suspecting your loved one is […]
Who hasn’t read, at one time or another, the statistics regarding the prevalence of infidelity? Who among us, if ever suspicious of our spouse, hasn’t stumbled upon one of a thousand lists of “Signs Of A Cheating Spouse” that are so prevalent on the Internet these days? Never mind statistics – those are based on […]
If you have ever had an inkling, thought, notion or urge to have an affair, this article is for you. And even if you haven’t, this article is for you too because life changes and attitudes shift. You just never know. And finally, if you’re having an affair, this article is especially for you! This is the article I […]
Nothing demolishes trust in a relationship like infidelity. The person cheated on now begins to wonder what else in the relationship was untrue. Infidelity puts in doubt what you thought you knew about your partner, your relationship and even yourself. It is like a kick to the stomach that wakes you up to the realization […]
I sometimes hear from wives who feel as if every single thing regarding their marriage is now tainted because of their husband’s infidelity. In fact, some even begin to question their husband’s love for and feelings toward them. Eventually, it can begin to feel as if your shared history might be distorted or as if […]
The day I discovered my husband was cheating on me is forever etched in my mind. I will never forget my bewilderment, shock, confusion and my uncertainty about what to do next. I was totally devastated. How I Found Out As a freelance journalist and editor, I work from my home office. I accidentally stumbled […]
I have witnessed countless people over the course of the past eight (extremely long) years, whose lives have been literally turned upside down due to the selfish and needless act caused by the betrayal of infidelity. I say needless, because infidelity is indeed needless. It is an avoidable and needless act anyone could ever do […]
How To Survive Infidelity By Building New Memories Together Your spouse cheated on you and you are learning how to survive the infidelity. Learning to live with your partner’s infidelity is difficult. It takes time and a lot of commitment to rebuild a marriage after an affair. Having made the decision to give your marriage […]