COVID-19 Immunity – Enter Through the Narrow Gate Matthew 7: 13-14 puts it: “enter ye through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to hell”. A most telling verse indeed. In light of Coronavirus, to where exactly is this instructional verse guiding. Regards overall health, how do we interpret this verse specifically […]

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Is Zinc Useful to Boost Immunity Against Covid-19? Immunity boosters like Zinc are in the news. Since people with weak immunity are more predisposed to various infections, it makes sense to boost your immunity, particularly if you are more prone to colds, coughs and flu. Zinc is an important micronutrient that research shows reduces the […]

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Coronavirus – Ancient Secrets of Immunity and Health Preservation Prior to spiritual awakening, the mind is propelled by inherent subconscious thought programs. Due to the way Nature or evolution functions, we each come into this world already uploaded in natural adherence to the permanent laws of nature. No person escapes this activity which operates in […]

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Of Herd Immunity, Plasma Therapy, Vaccines And Drugs For COVID-19! In view of the worrying surge of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 or the new Coronavirus) the world over with the worst affected country USA having a second wave and in India, Brazil and others the infections going unabated desperation for treatment measures is growing all the time. […]

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