He says I’m too good for him! That’s supposed to make you feel good, right? Is it meant as a compliment or not? You’re wondering those things right now because your guy has said it to you. He’s told you that he thinks he’s not deserving of you or you’re just too good for someone […]

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If a man is single, he may find that there is no one is his life that he can share certain things with. This can relate to how he feels, the challenges that he is going through and the things that he has done that he is not too happy about, for instance. He can […]

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Isn’t it really frustrating when you just can’t figure out whether a guy really likes you or not? A lot of women are pretty clueless when it comes to knowing whether a certain guy likes them or not but I would say it’s not really their fault. The whole world knows that when it comes […]

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The Lovers Card is the seventh card in the 22 trump cards (Major Arcana) and is associated with the number 6. If the card is drawn in a reading, it is a card of good omen when it comes to love, but it does not necessarily mean that it is related to love. It is […]

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I often hear from people who are trying to come up with the best strategies for dealing with their spouse during a marital separation. The goal is to make their spouse want to come back to them and to be willing to save the marriage. To that end, one suggestion that is often given is […]

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Considering Bankruptcy? How to Find Good Advice Filing for bankruptcy or considering other debt relief options is a complicated position for one to find themselves facing. With all of the bankruptcy advice out there, from the negative to the positive, individuals may be wondering who to turn to and which advice is pertinent to them […]

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Are Podcast Directory’s A Good Thing To Use? A “Podcast Directory” is simply a collection of RSS feeds (the URL’s behind the podcast that will allow listeners to automatically receive new published episodes). The RSS feeds are submitted by the podcaster to the directory for listing. In some instances, they are collected and manually added […]

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I’m Not Here for a Long Time, But I’m Here for a Good Time As I was jogging this morning my iPod popped on the lyrics: “I’m not here for a long time, but I’m here for a good time” by George Strait. The melody flows gently while also empowering feet and mind to run, […]

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MOTIVATION AND HOW TO CREATE IT (Good Boss/Bad Boss) Many of my clients have come in complaining of a lack of motivation; from not being motivated enough on the job, to not being able to diet, quit smoking, or get out of bed in the morning. They desire to achieve both positive and negative motivations-positive […]

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This article will explain you briefly about the most important things you should consider while creating a good online matrimonial profile. If you are looking for a bride or a groom online then just signing up on online matrimonial sites is not enough. Once you post your profile online then it will compete with thousands […]

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