Beyond Basics Most of us know and can navigate the protocols of honoring a loss. We go to the funeral or celebration of life. We send flowers or contribute to a charity. We send cards and notes. We make a shiva call. We bring food. And then we go home and back to our own […]

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An Open Letter To Family, Friends, Countrymen & Fellow World Citizens This comes at a time that is of enormous importance to everyone in The world, and I want to express some of my thoughts as we progress forward. We have, fought, and continue to fight this Covid 19 crises. Our efforts have saved Millions […]

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Francesco Guicciardini so aptly said, “Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.” But is it easy to make friends? How many people succeed in making good friends who are there in the hour of need? Why is it so important to have good friends, those […]

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Learn to Pick and Choose With Knowledge: Learn It, Believe Me, I Live It, My Friends Live It No, I’m not a doctor, and yes I can read what the doctors put out there. My motivation is to help you feel better through middle age and beyond. Everything doctors say is general, let’s get more […]

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In the 1950s, fascination, confusion, and even alarm are adjec-tives that best described the reaction of many political observers to the Chinese seeking friends and allies in Africa. An executive editor of the New York Times, Mr. Seymour Freidin, wrote: Red Chinese drive into Africa involves a long range effort to dominate the continent totally […]

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Online dating websites create the opportunity for people to meet potential partners and friends online. Although many people go out specifically looking to find romance, the general trend is that most people upload a profile to a social networking website and meet partners online in much the same way that you would offline. When you […]

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Taking Your First Date To A Friend’s Party – Good Idea Or Bad? You are about to go on a date with a person and you’ve been invited to a friend’s party at the same time. Should you just take your new date to the party? It seems to be the obvious answer, but here […]

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Does your husband having a female friend put your marriage in jeopardy? Have you ever been jealous of your husbands’ relationship or a little uneasy if he has a female friend? You are not alone and you should be cautious of the relationship especially if a female leads it. While on the surface there is […]

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