A committed romantic relationship between husband and wife or long-term boyfriend and girlfriend is a sacred thing. When these relationships are first formed, there exists an unspoken understanding between the two of them that they can trust each other with their hearts. For the healthiest of marriages and other relationships of the heart, that unspoken […]
Emotional cheating among men is growing by leaps and bounds. It is especially common among men who spend a great deal of time online. There is something freeing for a man to let down his macho guard and show a more emotional side of himself to a woman. The problem for you is that you […]
We know that your job is important to you and to your family, but it’s where the emotional affairs at work start. It is a fact that majority of the working public will have to go through five days of work each week, some even every day. This is an accepted norm because we want […]
Understanding the Physical Makeup, Mental Makeup & Emotional Makeup of Teenagers By 1980 the world’s population had grown to 4,5 billion people. By the year 2000 there will be about 7 billion people in the world. Yet even among all these billion of people, there is something special about each person. There is only one […]