After immediately stepping into office, newly elected President Trump announced his plans for an immigration ban. Just like most actions, there is a reaction. The immigration ban could potentially hurt the United States and globalization. The new ban entailed blocking the entry of travelers into the United States from six predominately Muslim countries, known as […]

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The Multipolar World Economy The global economy currently is undergoing a great transformation in terms of economic structure, power, and influence. The economies that have been commonly called ” emerging markets” appear to have finally emerged and are coming into their own in terms of their contributions to global economic and financial activity. The international […]

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5 Website Improvement Ideas for a New Economy Over the past few months, we’ve all been focused on getting through the pandemic healthy and safe. If you’re a small business owner, you’ve also been trying to survive and thrive-whether that’s creating or updating an eCommerce website, selling a new product that’s in-demand or offering delivery […]

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COVID-19’s Impact on the Economy of India The Covid-19 epidemic is one of the major disasters in the history of pandemics. The impact of corona virus pandemic is very disturbing and it has spared no one with its ill effects. There has been a major increase in the death rates across the world. Not only […]

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The economy is awful. Unless you live under a rock or happen to be a Repo man things are pretty gloomy. However, it might be the perfect time to consider looking for love overseas.  First, the price of traveling over there to meet the girl of your dreams is falling fast. Airlines, hotels, and even travel agents are […]

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