The natural reaction after getting the news of an affair is to feel anger and rejection. A self-negotiation takes place about “why” it happened. Then the self-penetrating questions start, like: • What about me wasn’t good enough for them? • How could they toss a 15 year relationship together for somebody who doesn’t even know […]

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Divorce batters us. Often into submission. Our feelings of control and self-esteem are replaced by helplessness, doubt, shame, and/or self-loathing. Our sense of validation can be totally squashed. Our hope of finding true love again is dashed. We look at ourselves in the mirror and think, “How did it come to this?!” We are a […]

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Many people look for mail order brides in order to get access to women that they can easily marry. Meanwhile, the brides themselves are often in it simply to get out of countries where they might be mistreated in or to at least move someplace where they might actually have a chance to advance in […]

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There is a lot of heat, but very little light generated by asking when we should resume dating. Some say wait a year. Some say asap in order to get over the divorce. Some say don’t date if the divorce is not final. Some say go for it if the marriage is over, regardless of […]

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You have probably heard of people jetting off to the Caribbean to get married. But did you know, you can also legally divorce in a foreign country, no matter where you happen to be located right now? A vinculo matrimonii is a Latin term literally meaning “from the chains of matrimony.” It has come to […]

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Like all legal matters the law surrounding divorce will vary considerably from country to country and across differing cultures. International divorce can therefore be an extremely convoluted matter to resolve when dealing with spouses from differing countries, especially when the custody of children is also an issue. However, the issue is becoming more prevalent as […]

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During the course of our lives we meet thousands of people. Some just pass by, some stay for a little while and some stay for a long time. No encounter lacks meaning. In any case, everyone comes to teach us something or to learn something. We can call them friends. Friends are a lot of […]

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If you are thinking of divorce in near future, it is a good idea to seek some divorce advice from those who have already gone through the pains of separation. Though separation might not be painful initially, it is considered to be a painful experience in the long run. Divorce seems to be the only […]

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My wife says she wants a divorce because of my affair and she is very hurt. Being unfaithful in a relationship is just not the right thing to do and because of a single act in an affair, your relationship may end in a divorce. Deep down inside your heart, you do not want to […]

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Early Dating Early dating refers to dating before a divorce is final or dating very soon after a divorce is final. Reasons for early dating vary: (1) Sometimes the motivation for dating before the divorce is final is to add to one’s relationship experience and/or to experience the euphoric feeling of being intimate with someone […]

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