Unhappy relationships, fights and breakups can mess up your mind and discourage you from dating again. But, one bad relationship doesn’t mean that you are not going to date anyone ever again. Look around, there are men out there who are just like you, and they’ve had breakups and broken hearts too. The moment you […]
Your Stuff and How to Deal With It Stuff I have stuff. I love my stuff. I admit to accumulating stuff. OK. A moment of reality. I’m pretty sure that someday I’m going to die. And you probably will too. No, not now. Eventually. So there will be stuff in my apartment and odds are […]
What Is a Plus Size and Why Can’t the Fashion Industry Deal With It Properly? This is an area under debate at the moment and some people are clearly struggling with it. They know that plus size is popular and is a hot topic for discussion and they wish to participate and comment on the […]
Do You Know How To Deal With People Who Mock And Ridicule You? FACT: The Entrepreneur Is Without “Honour” Among Those Who “Know” Him One of the greatest realities you may have to face(there are exceptions, as is the case with everything in life), when you formally announce to the world that you have become […]
As a book publicist, I am frequently asked to find a literary agent for my author clients. While I know many agents and publishers and work with them, it’s not what I do. But, from time to time, I find someone who can really help out my clients and I’ve found that person. Her name […]
The media created a picture of a soulmate as someone who completes a person and brings sunshine and flowers and endless happiness and support to both you and your partner. That perfect person and you ride off into the sunset every night, smiles all aglow. Do you really think that is what a soulmate does […]