Financial Crisis 07-08 Financial crises have persistently occurred throughout history originating back to the creation of early empires and formation of colonies. Their appearances can sometimes be unanticipated. Nevertheless, crises can be controlled from escalating into more threatening and severe situations such as depressions by implementation of rules and regulations. The global economic crisis of […]

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Ladies aren’t you fed up with the generalization that whenever you feel angry, headachy, tearful, moody or lacking in sex drive you are told… “It must be your hormones.” One woman tried asking her gynecologist about hormones and would you believe what his answer was? ‘Don’t ask me. I’m not very good on that sort […]

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Is the UK Heading for an Energy Crisis? Dark days are coming to the UK – so the experts say. Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) chief executive Alistair Buchanan said, “For the next two or three years, there is plentiful reserves, but the problem is the speed with which the situation could […]

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How to Build a Crisis Response Landing Page The Importance of Updating Your Website for COVID-19 Whether you’re hosting a webinar, giving away a special report, selling a program, or presenting a video series, a landing page inspires your visitors to participate in some way. Creating a crisis response landing page is a bit different […]

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How to Pivot Your Small Business Strategy During the COVID-19 Crisis Easy Ways to Create a Coronavirus Crisis Management Plan As small business owners, we’re prepared for a lot of things, whether it’s a seasonal shift in sales or an unexpected employee absence we have to step in and cover. But we’ve never seen anything […]

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Did China’s Conspiratorial Actions Push the World Into Crisis? The coronavirus pandemic, in addition to snuffing out scores of lives, is also triggering racial tensions all over the world. There is a long history of naming pandemics by attaching them to a specific place and people. For example, the 1918 influenza pandemic, which was found […]

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My Experience Paying a Bill in an Italian Village During the Corona Virus / COVID-19 Crisis It was February 21 when I unknowingly relocated to the Italian countryside to hideout from the Corona Virus. At the time, this hadn’t been my plan because I was engaged in other activities. I had spoken with some friends […]

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CoronaVirus (CoVid-19) Crisis and Bankruptcy – What You Need to Know To say the CoronaVirus (CoVid-19) Pandemic has changed everything is an understatement. It is estimated that 1/3 of businesses and rental unit tenants did not pay their rent on time in March or April. That number is expected to climb as the lockdown of […]

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