How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) By Using Disinfectant Water Machine? Typically, groundwater from different sources like lakes, rivers and streams may contain unhealthy elements known as pathogens. According to experts, they can result in water-borne infections in humans. Some common examples of these pathogens include bacteria, viruses and parasites. In this article, […]
6 Words to Describe America’s Reason Why Their Covid-19 Battle Is a Lost Cause COMPLACENCY America did not take covid-19 seriously enough but they were not the only ones. The Brazil president described it as a little flu. There was no organised plan for dealing with the pandemic. It was as though the disease will […]
New Infodemics May Likely Lead to A Leap in COVID-19 Cases in Ghana in the Immediate Future The attitudes of many Ghanaians toward the observation of the health preventive protocols for the COVID-19 pandemic was initially not encouraging in the early days of March 2020 when the country recorded her first two cases. This was […]
The COVID-19 Pandemic: Themes for Research Pandemics in human history always often result in untold and sometimes unparalleled problems that would need great thinkers to offer solutions. Researchers are positive opportunists who do not relent in their efforts in continually investigating the ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘who’, and ‘how’ of every situation just to bring relief to […]
17 Strategic Business Pivots to Make in the Time of COVID-19 Your Coronavirus Essentials Checklist Just like that we woke up in a different world! The coronavirus epidemic has completely changed our lives and transformed the way we do business. For many, this can be an incredibly frightening time to be a business owner. You […]
Coronavirus in Oaxaca – Southern Mexico COVID-19 Pandemic – A Plea on Behalf of The People Aside from agriculture, the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca relies on tourism for its very existence. Beginning mid-March, 2020, COVID-19 ravaged the state’s economy, as visitors began to depart en masse, and those with reservations for April, May and […]
Daily Life in Italy During the Period of Corona Virus, CoViD-19 For more than a month, Italians had heard of the ‘Corona Virus’ in China, having seen the stories on the news about how the Chinese Government was handling the epidemic. This news seemed like something that was from a far off land that could […]
Planet Earth Closing In On COVID-19? When the new strain of the Coronavirus struck China at the end of 2019 and later, in early next year, started spreading to other countries at a very fast rate the world hardly knew anything about the virus and watched helplessly as COVID-19 created havoc all around, posing the […]
7 Ideas to Use "Found Time" During COVID-19 It’s no longer “business as usual” to say the least. During this COVID-19 pandemic, nothing is as usual. You may have found yourself working from home – with or without children to care for – or discovering that many of your customers have shut down operations, so […]
COVID-19: Action Group On Free Civic Space Tackles Nigerian Govt on Human Rights Abuses Action Group on Free Civic Space represents a loose network of organizations, student unions, social movements and active citizens across Nigeria, working on different thematic issues, but committed to ensuring that government regulation in the name of national security does not […]